
For a nuclear weapons free Europe

On the occasion of the 75th commemoration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing,
we, the signatories join our voices to those of the survivors and call upon
our fellow citizens, politicians and governments to support
a European nuclear- weapon-free zone as a matter of urgency.

We call on European governments to:

  • end the modernization of all nuclear weapons.
  • end nuclear sharing.
  • sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Pour une Europe sans nucléaire

À l’occasion de la 75e commémoration des bombardements nucléaires d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, nous, les signataires, joignons nos voix à celles des survivants et appelons nos concitoyens, les politiciens et les gouvernements à faire de l’Europe, de toute urgence, une zone exempte d’armes nucléaires.

Nous appelons les gouvernements européens à:

  • mettre fin à la modernisation de toutes les armes nucléaires.
  • mettre fin au partage nucléaire.
  • signer et ratifier le Traité sur l’interdiction des armes nucléaires (TIAN).

Für ein atomwaffenfreies Europa

75 Jahre nach den Atomwaffenabwürfen auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki schließen wir, die Unterzeichner*innen, uns den Stimmen der Überlebenden an und fordern unsere Mitbürger*innen, Politiker und Regierungen auf, nachdrücklich eine nuklearwaffenfreie Zone Europa zu unterstützen.

Wir fordern die Regierungen Europas auf:

  • die Modernisierung aller Atomwaffen zu beenden
  • die nukleare Teilhabe zu beenden
  • den Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag (TPNW) zu unterzeichnen und zu ratifizieren.

Por una Europa libre de armas nucleares 

Con motivo de la 75a conmemoración del bombardeo nuclear de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, nosotros, los signatarios, unimos nuestras voces a las de los supervivientes y hacemos un llamamiento a nuestros conciudadanos, políticos y gobiernos para apoyar que Europa sea, de manera urgente, una zona libre de armas nucleares.

Hacemos un llamado a los gobiernos europeos para:

  • poner fin a la modernización de todas las armas nucleares.
  • poner fin al intercambio nuclear.
  • firmar y ratificar el Tratado sobre la Prohibición de las Armas Nucleares (TPNW).

Per un’Europa libera dalle armi nucleari

In occasione della commemorazione dei 75 anni dal bombardamento nucleare di Hiroshima e Nagasaki, noi, i firmatari, uniamo le nostre voci a quelle degli Hibakusha (i sopravvissuti) e facciamo appello a cittadini, politici e governi affinché sostengano la realizzazione di un’Europa libera dalle armi nucleari e la considerino una questione di primaria importanza.

Facciamo appello ai governi europei e chiediamo che:

● mettano fine all’ammodernamento di tutte le armi nucleari.
● mettano fine alla condivisione nucleare (nuclear sharing).
● firmino e ratifichino il Trattato per la Proibizione delle Armi Nucleari (TPNW).


Voor een kernwapenvrij Europa

Ter gelegenheid van de 75e herdenking van het atoombombardement op Hiroshima en Nagasaki, voegen wij, de ondertekenaars, onze stem toe aan die van de overlevenden en roepen onze medeburgers, politici en regeringen op om spoedig tot een Europese kernwapenvrije zone te komen.

We roepen Europese regeringen op om:

  • een einde maken aan de modernisering van alle kernwapens.
  • de nucleaire taakverdeling te beëindigen.
  • het Verdrag inzake het Verbod op Kernwapens (TPNW) te ondertekenen en te ratificeren.

Sign the appeal for a nuclear weapons free Europe

655 signatures

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The appeal will be delivered to the General Assembly and governments as well as to the EU parliament.

View the signatories

Graphic by Hans Kristensen of FAS
Read the speech in English
International Peace Bureau’s webinar on Nuclear weapons in Europe held on 28 April 2020 with – Reiner Braun IPB Executive Director, Hans Kristensen, Director Nuclear Project, Federation of American Scientists, Oleg Bodrov, Director Coalition for a Clean Baltic/Russia, Kate Hudson, Executive Director CND, Bastien Lachaud, French MP, Kathrin Vogler, German MP, Daniel Högsta, ICAN Campaign Coordinator, Owen Tudor, ITUC Deputy General Secretary, Susi Snyder, Pax Project Leader -Don’t Bank On the Bomb campaign, Philip Jennings, IPB Co-President
Emily Rubino’s statement of support for the campaign for a nuke free Europe
Message of President of Ireland Michael Higgins

View more messages of support

Background Statement

Time for Europe
to be a
nuclear-weapon-free zone

We are entering a new decade that appears to be even more dangerous than that of 40 years ago. In January 2020, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists set the hands of the ‘Doomsday Clock’ – measuring the likelihood of man-made global catastrophe – at one hundred seconds to midnight – closer than it has ever been before due to the imminent threats of nuclear war and climate disaster.

Now, 75 years after the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by nuclear weapons dropped on human targets, arms control treaties are no longer upheld, and governments have started updating and expanding nuclear arsenals. New technologies of command and control minimise human intervention and shorten the time available to consider possible responses, the probabilities of a catastrophic accident or mistake are increasing dramatically.

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